
SQL*Loader is a tool that is used to load data into a database, it is very powerful and has the following capabilities

The SQL*Loader can perform several types of data loading

direct-path loading is much faster than conventional loading as it bypasses the Oracle SQL mechanism, however there are few options available when using this option. Direct-load has the following criteria

Use the below as a guide

small tables conventional loading
large tables direct loading

There are two steps when using the SQL*Loader, firstly select the data that you want to load and secondly create a SLQ*Loader control file

SQL*Loader control file

There are many option that the controlfile can have, I have listed the most common ones below but its best to read the Oracle documentation to get a full listing of all the options available.

LOAD DATA this means load data from the infile

location of the data, this could be a full pathname file or * (data in in the controlfile)

BADFILE if any records are rejected due to data formatting, the record will be written to the bad file
DISCARDFILE records that have been rejected because they didn't meet the record selection criteria you specified in the control file
INSERT Action taken with the data in this case INSERT but you can also have TRUNCATE, REPLACE or APPEND options
OPTIONS you can specify when type of data loading direct-path or conventional
FIELDS fields to include in data loading
BEGINDATA start of the data which is in the control file (see INFILE)
Example One

load data
  infile *
  badfile test.bad
  discardfile test.dsc
  insert into table <tablename>
  fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
  column1 position (1:2) char,
  column2 position (3:9) integer external,
  column3 position (10:15) integer external,
  column4 position (16:16) char

-- Note becareful to surround the double quotation marks with single quotation marks i.e '"'
-- Note used insert so the table must be empty first (can also use truncate, replace or append)

Example Two

load data
  infile *
  badfile test.bad
  discardfile test.dsc
  truncate into table <tablename>
  fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
-- This is a comment
  FNAME char,
  LNAME char,

-- Note: becareful to surround the double quotation marks with single quotation marks i.e '"'
-- Note: Used truncate to clearout the table first (can also use truncate, replace or append)
-- Note: char by default uses 255 characters but you optionally specify i.e char(100)
-- Note: I have surrounded some data with double quotes which is picked up by the optionally enclosed by

If your data is already formatted you can use one of the file format parameters

Invoking SQL*Loader

You can either use a parameter file or specify all the parameters on the command line

using command line options sqlldr userid=vallep control=test.ctl data=test.dat log=log.txt errors=0 direct=true
using control file

sqlldr parfile=sales_load.par

Note: the parameter will contain the command line options